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2021 10 Oct 25 Burnside ELC 1973

Pre-school and kindy programs 3-5 years

Between 3 and 5 years of age, children are becoming more confident in their learning. They are starting to initiate their reading, writing, numeracy and creativity, collaborating with other children to build on their knowledge.

Our Pre-school area is divided into two groups - Prekindy 3-4 years and Kindy 4-5 years - which work side by side with each other. Our purpose-built kindy has a kitchen designed with a raised platform and glass wall, so children can cook and view their creations in a safe environment. There are opportunities for children to create recipes from many cultures, including our indigenous Australians.

The childcare centre has large learning areas that give children different spaces for imaginative play, creativity, literacy, numeracy, sensory, cultural learning and sustainability. We have a smartboard that offers learning information about different topics, including the community around them.

Activities, programs and group discussions become increasingly more complex to help your child develop an understanding of the world around them.

Your child will continue learning:

  • Art and craft, music and movement, puzzles and memory games, numbers, letters, words, culture and language, health and hygiene, environmental sustainability and animal care.
  • To prepare and serve food, set the table and access their own drinking water.
  • To draw, cut with scissors, paint, clay work, woodwork, construction, science, dance or play with friends.
  • Outdoor activities. Children at this age become more confident in their bodies through jumping, running, climbing steps with alternate feet, even walking backwards.
  • To share, take turns, smile and cooperate with others.
  • To ask more complex questions and collaborate with their peers.

Our kindy room has Early Childhood teachers that provide a school readiness program, with specific skills they will need in order to thrive.

We have a more educational approach between 9am and 3pm, during which our dedicated teachers will work directly with your child to create programs based on their interests. If your child is eligible for Preschool we offer discounted fees during the school term. (Conditions apply)

Children will

  • Continue the early reading and technology program.
  • Write their own name and learn about the formation of shapes, letters and invented spelling
  • Have their voices respected and heard, which builds their confidence in speaking in front of a group. The teachers also provide experiences with intentional teaching moments.
  • Share ideas to learn more about each other and the world around them.

Kindy children will also extend their education with further art and craft, music and movement, puzzles and memory games, numbers, letters, and words, culture and language, health and hygiene, science, environmental sustainability and animal care.